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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

How to be a cool six year old.

Now that I'm older I have the knowledge to become the coolest six year old ever. However i'm not six. Here's ten ways to make all the other little kids think your cool.

1. Use naughty words, or make up words and tell the kids your naughty. (however this will make you look uncool to anyone over the age of 8 or 9)

2. Say the phrase "You're not the boss of me as much as possible".

3. Learn to bike really really fast so you can beat your friends in races.

4. Pretend you are a karate kid, but if you get into a fight fight all star wrestling style.

5. Make up stories about monsters, they will really think you're cool.

6. Say that your are really cool. Small children will believe you.

7. Have a swingset, kids with swingsets are cool.

8. Play backyard football with your friends. It's a cool thing to do.

9. Talk about the show that is coolest now. when i was six it was Power Rangers.

10. Be a 7 year old. 7 year olds are waaay cooler than six year olds.

Now that we're done with that. Well i better say that the list is pretty childish, but somewhat true.


Blogger Paul said...

I hang out with and was a cool six year old.

6:54 PM  

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