What's up with those Courts?
Alright Courts are full of crazy cases, wasting everyone's money (except the lawyers).
Here is a short list of 3 things that should be changed about the courts.
1. Trying minors as adults.
I don't understand why they try 16 and 17 year olds as adults.
By law they are minors, so they should be tried as minors. They can't smoke, they can't vote, and they don't have to pay taxes. They aren't adults so don't try them as adults. It's really simple.
Less than 18 try them as a minor. 18 or older try as an adult. If these words where carved on the wall of every courtroom it would make things much easier.
2. Frivolous lawsuits
You spilled coffee on yourself? Tough luck. It's not like Mr. McDonald himself walked up to you and threw scalding hot coffee on your lap. You spilled coffee and whined about it. Just because you can't be trusted with a beverage that's hotter than luke-warm doesn't mean large corporations should have to pay for your stupidity. Sometimes you should just take what life gives you instead of being a jerk about the whole thing.
3. Hate Crimes
Up until now you've probably agreed with me. Unless your some kind of jerk who made a fortune suing dairy queen for not having a floor may be slippery sign.
But now you may be thinking that this third one is not right.
Well I'll try to explain it simply as I can, and work my way up the complexity levels.
Simply put: murdering someone, regardless of the motive, is still murdering someone
More complexly put: If i killed a guy because I felt like it, I should get the same number of years in Jail as a person who killed a guy because of his religion/race/sexuality/anything else that qualifies as a hate crime.
Moste complexly put: The consequenses of an action should be the same regardless of the reason that action was done.
Yeah so that's just 3 things i don't like about courts.
Hey paul is there a reason why you decided to spell "Moste" the way you did in this rant Just wondering
Guess who i am
hi paul u rock
hello paul
you are a super cool uncle!
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