New Look
I hope you like this blog's new look. Cool huh? please leave a message on the tagboard, and make sure you visit the google group under the community section
I hope you like this blog's new look. Cool huh? please leave a message on the tagboard, and make sure you visit the google group under the community section
NGAGE 2. Oh yeah! now you must be thinking The n-gage, that was a flop. But, the N-gage 2 looks mighty awesome. Definitely worth getting. Here's the video of the N-gage 2.
Check it Out
Here's the link to an article about it. Someone has leaked out Starwars III So now you can download it. I've decided to wait until movie day. click
Alright Today is the first day of E3, and already we have a pic of the New Nintendo Revolution. Here's the link click
Alright guys I have officialy made a nerdyblog google group. IT's like a blog-ish community where the viewers of this blog can post. I of course will be posting too. It's free to join, all you do is register for google groups, and subscribe and join the group. Here's the group. Please Join it'll be fun
So everyone, some of you know me in person, but Many of you do not. So, I just wanted everyone to know that I post as manga-kid on the forums I usually post in the Off Topic and Attack of the show forums. So, That's where you can find me on the net, I also post on other sites, but this isthe only one that I'm gonna tell you guys about now. Alright, thanks for visiting my site, Later today (if I start feeling better).
Alright. I owe an apology to you guys. I haven't updated this site in a long time. So, I have decided to write about something interesting. The DS and the PSP. They are handheld game systems Ds from Nintendo PSP from Sony.
Alright As you all could have read in the last post, I may be moving this site to a different server, web host, domain name. If so it's gonna cost. (that stinks) so i put in a donation button. So, if you want to donate there's a button on the right hand side column. But, please remember that u don't have to donate all, just please keep coming to the site. So in short, you can donate if you want to, but you don't have to.