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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Video games for lazy turds.

I have a friend who plays videogames doesn't like to die. So he plays games on easy. He'll play madness interactive and turn off enemy ai so they just stand there and he shoots them. So In honor of this guy's total laziness I have composed a segment of Video Games for Lazy Turds.

Coma Assault: Fight your way through hundreds of patients in comas to make your way to freedom.

Grand Theft Tricycle: Steal candy from babies and ride away on your big wheel as you fight unarmed 3 year olds with your dual magnums.

Tortoisse and the Hare racing: Race as the hair with a top speed of 5 mph against the tortoisse with a top speed of .25mph

True crime streets of the subburbs: Face all of the crime in the suburbs from cats stuck in trees, to noise complaints.

Last but not least.

Fight Club College Students VS. Senior citizens: Piledrive the elderly as you gain street cred.

These are the kinds of games i think my friend would play.

Saturday, November 26, 2005


Thanksgiving is the day where we celebrate how we took the land from the indians. We do this by stuffing our faces full of turkey, and falling asleep in front of the tv. Then the next day, crazed shoppers wake out of their turkey induced comas and head toward the stores to buy cheap christmas gifts. If you are unlucky you will get dragged to the mall to go shoping. Once there you'll find a parkinglot filled with luxury suv's. Then it's only another half an hour before you can find a parking spot. That's when you'll go inside. The mall will be hot and stuffy, not to mention there will be people everywhere. It will be crowded. Once you wrestle through the sea of shoppers you can get to the store where you want to buy that thing you saw in the paper. You'll ask the staff for that special item and sure enough it'll be sold out. And then you go help your family pick out gives for several hours, in the hot, sweaty, crowded, mall. Then You will go outside and spend an hour trying to find your car. Once you've found it you can drive home and enjoy a nice day of leftover turkey.

Luckily I didn't have to go shopping on thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Not a lot of time so why don't u enjoy

Some good old engrish

Oh yeah and some signs

Monday, November 07, 2005

puzzling game

Can you beat it

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sorry for no update

I haven't updated in a while, but next week will be Ranting on Hollywood week so be sure to see lots of posts next week.