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Friday, October 28, 2005

Haunted Doll!!!!!!!!!!1

Alright i got two videos for you. The first clip is a video of a haunted doll. I think it's just a doll that has a string in its back that pulls the doll up. Video

The next video is a great waterbed prank. I'm not gonna bother describing it so go watch it. video


First off I would like you to see my friends blog called I'm bored in class. It's cool and you should go there. Yup, Also you may have noticed that I now have adds on this site. Yup i have adds now so I can make money off of my blog. Yup. So here's Your friday freeplay video game.

The game is: A Game Involving Balls

It's a funny game that's kind of like a breakout-pinball ish game. It's very fun. However the best part is the ranking you get after you lose. My highest ranking was Sacred Can O' Spam. Let's see if anyone can beat me. Enjoy playing.

Who needs life when you can........

Virtually live! Go to work, sleep, eat your breakfast. IT's all here!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Tecacious D

I don't have enough time to do a real post so here's some Tenacious D for ya. I should have an interesting thing about web filters on wednesday. But for now enjoy this.

Tenacious D Time.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

50 links part dos.

Yeah see I'm getting clever. Spicing things up by using the word dos instead of two. Pretty high class huh. Well I have to finish the list sometime so here we gol

19. This week in tech. It's a great podcast by tech God Leo Laporte
20.Mininova. Get all your favorite files using bittorent. Just search for them on mininova.
21. The Broken Kevin Rose and Dan Huard's (think that's how you spell it) old webtv show.
21. Systm Kevin Rose's new webtv show
22. Newegg. Get all your tech goods cheap. Great user reviews.
23. dc++ Great way to fileshare
24. Soulseek. Another good way to fileshare
25. Supersmashbros snes version. To celebrate the halfway point. Gotta love the goomba
26. Darwin Awards Awards given to people who die of stupidity
27. Conan is a lowrider (need to view in IE sorry guys)
28. Adult swim gotta love these guys
29. Make your own clothes
30. Engadget only 20 more
30. Joystiq your video game news
31. megatokyo cool webcomic. Was better in the beggning
32. Free zombie shirt
33. Church sign generator The picture of messing up a church sign without the fun of doing it
34. Deviant art an overwhelming amount of art.
35. Firefox The best web browser
36. Winamp The best audio player
37. Videolan The best video player. I had several files that would just not work with any program until i tried Videolan or VLC player. IT's a great solid program that everyone should have.
38. Bittorent Simply a must have for downloaders
39. Azureus A great bittorent client. A great download
40. Crazy pc Cool computer stuff. Only 10 more left
41. Casemodgod Computer mayhem!
42. Jinx Geekware for gamers and hackers alike
43. Thinkgeek interesting stuff
44. popular science Great science magazine with a great website
45. j-box japanese stuff
46. albinoblacksheep. Cool flash animations
47. newgrounds flash games and stuff
48. miniclip cool games
49. www.cafepress.com/nerdyblog Cool clothes and stuff.
50. nerdyblog Finally done

That took awhile hope you enjoy it.

Monday, October 10, 2005


I haven't posted in a while so to make it up i'll make 50 links. in no particular order. Can you handle it?
  1. Tallest virtual building
  2. All your base are belong to me
  3. random sites based on how you feel
  4. Watch Paint Dry
  5. It's a thing. Not just anything. A THING IN A JAR!!!!!!!
  6. Should days be 28 hours long or 24 hours
  7. Jamin out with a lego guitar.
  8. Evil overlords can be so stupid
  9. Googles latest creation. Is it useless?
  10. Microwave sciences.
  11. Nuclear boy scout
  12. Rejection hotline
  13. Urban legends Database
  14. April Fools hoaxes
  15. Where's waldo text edition
  16. Oh god 35 more to go --- man falls down hill watch the whole thing
  17. Shoot the zombies
  18. More zombies
Sorry guys i'll have to finish the rest later

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Movie cliches

This is a great list of 40 movie cliches.

Waterbaloons in Space!!!!!!!!

Waterballoons in space. It's crazy. Nasa decided to see what would happen if you poped ballons in low gravity. Your tax dollars at work. At least you'll get to see some great videos. Here they are.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

It's a revolution.

It's a nintendo revolution. With it's new controler nintendo seems to be revolutionizing gaming. I'm very optimistic about this console, even though i think the gamecube was lame.

Here's the video.