Saturday, August 25, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
There is a big internet fuss about what happend recently with Eddie Griffin, the actor from the movie Undercover Brother, a very funny movie. He was driving the car for a promotion and during the drive he crashed the car into a concrete barrier. Also let me mention that the car was a 1.5 million doller Ferrari Enzo. that sucks for Eddie Griffin, because he has not really made a movie that has made 1.5 Million dollers. ever.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Hurting Music $0.99 at a time
Albums are usually 10-20 tracks depending on the artist. Many people complain that albums only have 1 or 2 good tracks. This is in part because of Music download services such as I tunes. When people are just going to buy a few of their favorite songs why should they bother on making the rest of the songs good. People are missing out on the album. They like a band because they hear one or two songs never listening to it all. If people only buy one or two songs then the artist isn't gonna try for the rest of the songs. The sale of an mp3 for $0.99 is cheap, easy on consumers wallet, good business for the companies, but bad for the future of music.
Burning Bananna!! Funny
Funny hilarious bannana on fire burn burn burn!! not family guy simpsons, futurama, anime, yo mamma, barney or rock |
Monday, December 18, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Animusic-Pipe Dream
An insane computer animated music video. It must have taken them forever to make this. |
Conan O'Brien worker goes to India
This is a funny video of A conan O'Brien employee going to india to meet his tech support hotline operator. It's really funny.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Wind powered robots
This man makes kinetic sculptures which are like wind powered robots. They are very cool. Check out the video below.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
The coolest USB hub ever

The USB self destruct button is the coolest usb hub ever.
Simply it's a USB hub shaped like a self destruction button that looks like it came straight from a secret laboratory or a giant robot or something cool like that. You can pre-order them now at
The USB hub is supposed to make noises when you start the self destruct sequences.
Video of the hub in action can be found here.
Windows Vista and Hybrid Hard Drives.
A hybrid hard drive is a hard drive that is assisted by flash memory. The flash memory will remember certain bits of data you use most often, so that it can be recalled by the flash memory instead of the slower hard drive. It is like a permanent cache. The upcoming windows operating system Windows Vista, will be able to recognize a flash drive plugged into the computer and temporarily use it to assist a hybrid hard drive even more, giving you an instant performance boost. This would be cool because it would let cheap flash drives improve your computer.
The Zune

The Microsoft Zune launched recently. Maybe you know what it a Zune is maybe you don't. The Zune is supposed to be the iPod killer. A new mp3 player with wireless internet technology that lets you share songs. In theory it is like an ipod that can connect to the internet, share songs, a store that offers a wide range of mainstream and indie music, a wider screen than the ipod, and a new subscription based media system. In theory it sounds great.

It seems that it is too good to be true. According to reviews the Zune is not working out the way it users would like. The software is a pain to install, if you share a song with a friend they only get to play it three times, you can't share your videos, videos are only uploadable in wmv format, it is unsure whether the zune will be compatible with windows media player, the zune does not support current subscription based services, it is slightly bigger than the ipod, and it has a smaller battery life. With all of these flaws it is hard to justify shelling out $250.00 for a 30 gig Zune.
However there is a bright side, most of these flaws are only minor and can be fixed with software updates. It seems like the Zune was rushed to market, but can easily be fixed later from updates. Microsoft just needs to figure out what they want to do with the Zune, either that or someone needs to hack its WiFi capabilities. So it seems one way or another the full capabilities will be eventually released. It looks so cool and capable and I really want it to succeed, but the best way to be sure is to wait and see if the Zune will get patched up enough so it can topple the ipod's reign of reliable mediocrity.

Friday, November 24, 2006
Movie Review: Casino Royale
The latest James Bond movie Casino Royale starts off with a young James Bond who isn't en a "double oh" agent yet. James Bond at this point is a reckless agent who doesn't play by the rules. Instead of using gadgets James Bond relies on poker and run and gun action to get the job done. Yes that's right poker. Instead of trying to stop an evil person from blowing up the world, his mission is merely to take a villain's money by beating him at poker. While there is plenty of action interspersed into the plot, it's hard to shake that the second half of the movie contains too much card playing and not enough international sleuthing.
I liked it and recommend watching it. I give it an A-
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live was once a funny sketch show, however they've sucked the last several seasons, with some good sketches and there. The last two shows have been really good so here is one I think is really good. Could SNL be making a comeback?
The blizardman
Another sketch that was very good was the awkward carpool sketch, unfortunately NBC has taken it off of youtube as fast as people upload it so I won't be posting a video.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Is my spoon to big?
Recently, i have been seeing alot of fuss about this new video. it has the best catchphrase. my spoon is to big, i am a banana, and my anus is bleeding. this video is super random but awsome. at our school, you can walk in the halls, and you will allways hear that line, my spoon is to big. ill post the link later.
edit by Paul: The video Will is vaguely referring to is an animated short by Don Hertzfeldt and can be found here.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Rock Paper Scissors
World Rock Paper Scissors Society. Surely a game like rock paper scissors most often used to determine the result of an argument in third grade, can be taken lightly as a game of chance. Apparently not, these people are serious about their rock paper scissors. Here's a quote from a rock paper scissors philosopher.
"To the beginner the choices are few, to the expert the choices are many."
Actually despite who "expert" you are at rock paper scissors you can only throw rock, paper, or scissors. That's only 3. So next time you feel like you don't have a good hobby, just sit back and smirk at these guys.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
World Champion my @ss
Apparently any overweight man in a sweater that he no doubt stole from his grandma. Performing half a song with bad timing, where half the time he's not playing while letting his man flab swing across the stage, Ochi Yosuke proves that one need not be good at what he does to be the champion of it. As lamar Burton from reading rainbow would tell a 4 year old, don't take my word for it.
You see it's not just me, he isn't very good. I might go far as to say a disabled kid with a wrist twitch might be better, but that'd just be mean. The only explanation that can explain it is that his ridiculously gay tiger sweatshirt has hypnotizzing powers on the judges, the guy on the end tries to resist the hypnotism sticking him with only a 5.8 Either that or all the good air guitarsts had a party that Ochi decided to stay home from so he could watch episodes of sailor moon while crocheting yarn underwear. And then by a freak accident the good air guitarists died while air guitaring to "we built this city on rock and roll" and they had simultaneous aneurisms because of the awesome horrificly bad song.
So yeah, next time you flail around for whatever reason take a video and send it to the air guitar championship and they'll probably send you back a trophy.